Emergency Power Planning For Computer-Based Businesses

Environmental Blog

Stormy seasons, blackouts caused by extreme temperatures, and everything involving natural disasters can send your business into a no-power emergency. If your business requires highly available, 99.999% up time and needs to provide services in emergency situations, you can't simply wait on the power company to rescue you. There are a few backup power options that can kick into action when commercial power is lost, but you'll need to weigh the options and even consider combining them for the best results.

11 October 2016

Three Tips For When You Want To Remove A Large Amount Of Gravel Via A Dumpster Rental

Environmental Blog

While landscaping is hard work, the fact that you'll need to dispose of all the gravel you take off of your property can be even more daunting than the job itself. Fortunately, by using a dumpster rental service, you'll be able to dispose of all the gravel you pick up with your shovel quickly and for a relatively modest price. When you want to remove a large amount of gravel from your property via a dumpster rental, don't forget these three tips.

4 October 2016

Steps To Take When Staying In Hotels To Avoid Bed Bug Transferral To Your Home

Environmental Blog

If you plan on traveling in the near future, and you are going to be staying in a hotel during this time, being aware of the possibility of bed bugs being present in your room is very important. While most people prefer not to think about these blood-sucking parasites, a bed bug infestation can be transferred via personal belongings. This makes it necessary to brush up on signs of their existence when staying in a strange room so you do not put your own home at a risk of an infestation.

6 September 2016